This “greenness” is an expression of heaven, the creative power of life, which can be witnessed in the gardens, forests, and farmland all around us. And like those lands, 12th Century mystic Hildegard of Bingen saw viriditas—the greening power of the divine, as something to be cultivated in both our bodies and our souls
Place: King’s Fold Retreat & Renewal Centre, North Cochrane, Alberta
Date: Saturday, September 28, 2024
Time: 9:30am-5pm Cost: $75.00
Event Includes:
-An invitation to engage in a guided outdoor forested Labyrinth walk as spiritual practice. “There is nothing so wise as a circle”—Rainer Maria Rilke
-Together with fellow retreat participants, you will engage in writing your ecological story. Your story will include nature memories and nature epiphanies.
-A Guided Nature Connecting Activity—Sap and Soul
-Nature Connecting Prayer Walk—pristine wilderness setting, full of trails with spectacular river valley walk. Bring appropriate footwear, clothing and bear spray for walking the trails.
Snacks and herbal-teas from the Snack area at King’s Fold. You are welcome to bring a picnic lunch to add to this offering.
Contact Sarah either by email for more information and/or to book your place. Bursaries available. Email: